Rachel Corbett
After Rachel Corbett started working from home, she began experiencing increased neck pain. Her condition made it difficult to concentrate so she reached out to her primary care provider. An MRI showed a bulging disc on the left side of her neck.
With no luck relieving the pain with injections or anti-inflammatories, her PCP suggested a technique called dry needling. This is done by placing needles into trigger points in the muscle which helps relieve pain or spasms. Since this technique is administered by physical therapists, her PCP referred her to Southern Indiana Rehabilitation Hospital.
Rachel began physical therapy right away with the SIRH outpatient department. After completing her sessions, she said she could tell a difference and noticed that the twitching in her muscles decreased. Unlike her previous experiences in physical therapy, she completed all her sessions at SIRH. She drew inspiration from the staff to finish so she could return to her active lifestyle.
Rachel found that she had a lot in common with one of her therapists. They enjoyed talking and would swap stories about their kids. “I have appreciated everyone and look forward to coming to outpatient therapy. I’m sad that it’s ending.”
Throughout her recovery, Rachel’s son has been one of her biggest motivators. She wanted to show him that she is trying different things to overcome a difficult situation. The staff at SIRH have inspired her to stay active. She looks forward to continuing her hobbies like Pilates.